Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Promotion, Promotion, Promotion!

Promotion is to authors what location is to real estate investors. An average book whose content is just ok but is promoted well will do better then an above average book whose content is exceptional but has little or no promotion. How is that you say? If you write a book and no one knows about it then how would you except to sell it? It doesn't matter how well written the book is people have to know about it.

I know this all sounds like common sense to you but according to PMA (Independent Book Publishers Association) most authors will never sell more than 2,000 books. That goes for self-publishers and authors with a publishing house because even if your with a big publishing house you still are excepted to do most of the promotion unless your name is Stephen king or J.K. Rowling.

Now how is it that most authors never sell more than 2,000 copies of their book? I don't think most authors really know how important promotion is. Most authors after they finish writing their book feel as if the hard part is over and now people will just start to all of sudden buy their book. They promote their book little or not at all and then they move on to the next book and promote it little or not at all and the process goes on and on until they stop writing books.

This sounds crazy but it is true. You should be promoting your book before it even comes out and after it comes out you should be promoting it that much more. Things like testimonials from authority figures in your genre, reviews, radio, print, and TV are all good ways to promote and sell your book. To learn how to get testimonials from key authority figures, get on radio, in print, and so much more go check out the website that is a must for authors who are serious about successful book promotion.

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